Museum of Horseshoeing, Inc.
We are excited about the future.
Tax deductible donations

The National Horseshoeing Museum has relocated, but we are always looking for additional support. With our wonderful new location, we have new expenses: rent, utilities, and labor. We are committed to continuing Lee's efforts towards education, preservation, and furthering the field of farriery. But, to do that, we need your help.
We have been approved as a legal non-profit entity, or 501(c)(3). This means any support the public provides will be tax deductible -- making it easier to secure the future of the Museum.
Our new home is the
Historic Oklahoma Stockyards City!
We are excited to partner with existing business owners Wiens Properties in Stockyards City to build our new home. The location is down the street from the National Saddlery and within walking distance of many historic businesses. Lee loved the Stockyards and always stopped by to eat at Cattlemen's and roam around, so we are incredibly excited to contribute to the growing area and remain in Oklahoma.
Continued donations, corporate sponsorships, and annual memberships will help support the Museum in continuity, and as a non-profit, all funds are reinvested into the collection and the OK farrier community. No board members or volunteer staff take salaries.
In the future, we hope to establish programs to give back to the farrier community as an expression of gratitude for their generosity, providing scholarships, fellowships, and sponsorships for potential farriers.
Use the buttons on this page to donate via PayPal or reach out to info@horseshoeingmuseum.com inquire about other donation options.
All donations are tax deductible and donation confirmations will be provided upon request.
Cash, check (made out to the “Museum of Horseshoeing, Inc.”) and Venmo (@horseshoeing-museum) donations are also accepted.

For more information on tax-deductibility please reach out to info@horseshoeingmuseum.com
Meet the Museum of Horseshoeing, Inc. Board of Directors

Samantha Liles Frank
Samantha works in retail strategy as her day job, and supports the museum through her time investments.
Samantha is the daughter of the Museum’s founder, Lee Liles.
Terry Stever
Founding Board Member
Terry is a renowned farrier, having worked with horses for over 50 years. Terry played an instrumental role in Lee's life and the beginnings of the collection
Will Slack
Founding Board Member
Will is a New York City-based investment banker specializing in private equity secondary transactions and private capital raises who hails from Louisiana. He is excited about bringing financial expertise to the future of the Museum.